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             Pierre-Paul Battesti

Plus de détails sur le site de Fondale :


Le but du projet est la création d'un écovillage dans le secteur corse de Pieva Della Serra, près du village historique de Tallone. Des entités écologiques, comme ADEC (Agence de Développement Economique de la Corse) et ODARC (Office de Développement Agricole et Rural de Corse) seront consultées.

Participation pour
l'éco-village de Fondale


Financement participatif pour le rachat de l'écovillage Fondale

.Venez nous aider financièrement au rachat ! Contact : .Soutenir les écovillages même

avec une petite somme.


Fondale is :

The place that has no definition, everything is possible to happen, structure kills the inspiration but not all of us agree

with that. Autonomy, no taboo,harmony, intuition, non-structure, simplicity, freedom, comfortable from the begining, ecologist,

simple life, nature, inspiration, purity, clearing, beautiful natural place, revealing, SILENCE evolution, movement, change,

paradise, mystical, magical place, experimentation, self-discovery, present moment, extreme, for us challenging,

emotionally charged : if your inspiration connects with our inspiration you're welcome but don't have any expectations.

Presence. No alcohol. No-tabac.

Pleasure of the nature, enjoying the forest, the river, mountains, the sea, respect of the energy of the place of ourselves and the others, being free from addictions, sensitivity, consciousness, , emotional expression without help of drugs;

philosophy, ascetism, fast and silence periods; different people live here permanently and more people pass through for shorter or longer period of time, dangerous cats, motivation, pamplemous abundance!

love simplicity and contradiction => truth

We don't want to speak with your mental, we don't want to speak we want to feel you.

Joy, no separation between art, intellectual and manual activities, between work and pleisure.

We share food, energy, time, activities, emotions, creations, Sometimes there could be something that warms your heart and sometimes something that brings you to despair. Commitment, strength, family, contradictions, auto-discipline, responsability, sharing, caring, improvisation, discussions, talking circles, no-materialism, no-consumerism, spirituality, truth, conflicts, no electricity, non-certified drinking water, no phone, no wi-fi, struggle, surprises, donkeys, horse, wild boars, garden, fruit trees, garden, cabins, naked, crazyness, forest, view on the sea, music, connection, family, community, solitude. There's always lots of things to do, co-operation, imperfection, c'est la vie, we live of love and fresh air, contemplation, la silence est bienvenue, il faut une cuisine pour le pain :)

Whatever your expectations are, leave them at the door.

PS. There's no door.

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